Addition Worksheets Addition Worksheets

Dynamically Created Addition Worksheets

Here is a graphic preview for all of the addition worksheets. These dynamically created addition worksheets allow you to select different variables to customize for your needs. The addition worksheets are randomly created and will never repeat so you have an endless supply of quality addition worksheets to use in the classroom or at home. Our addition worksheets are free to download, easy to use, and very flexible.

These addition worksheets are a great resource for children in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade.

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Addition Tables Worksheets
These addition worksheets may be used to create five different addition table ranges starting at 0 and going through to 12. The addition tables worksheets may be created with all of the sums filled in or left blank. The numbers may be selected to be displayed in order or randomly shuffled for these worksheets.

Addition Facts Tables Worksheets
These addition facts table charts are colorful and a great resource for teaching kids their addition facts tables. A complete set of printable addition facts tables for 1 to 12 will be created on these worksheets.

Single Digit Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 Addends

These single digit addition worksheets are configured for 2 addends in a vertical problem format. The numbers for each addend may be individually varied to generate different problem sets for these worksheets.

1 to 4 Digits Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 to 5 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for 1 to 4 digits as well as 2, 3, 4, or 5 Addends. You may select up to 30 addition problems per worksheet.

Zero to Twenty Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets will produce 2 addends problems in a vertical format where you may select numbers from zero to twenty to be used in the problems. The numbers for each addend may be individually varied to generate different sets of Addition problems. You may select up to 30 addition problems for these worksheets.

Zero to 99 Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets will produce 2 addends problems in a vertical format where you may select numbers from zero to 99 to be used in the problems. The numbers for each addend may be individually varied to generate different sets of addition problems. You may select up to 30 addition problems for these worksheets.

Adding Within a Sum Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets will produce vertical format addition problems within a selected sum. You may select the maximum sums and the number of problems to produce, or you may select the non repeating Kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd Grade set of unique problems. These special problem set will produce worksheets that will directly test the Common Core State Standards.

Adding with Dots Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets will produce 12 vertical addition problems with dots to the right of each number to aid the children with the addition. You may select the numbers for the worksheets to be used from 0 to 9.

Adding Dot Figures to Ten Worksheets
Vertical Format or Horizontal - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets will produce 12 vertical or horizontal addition problems using dot figures to represent the numbers. You may select the numbers for the worksheets to be used from 0 to 10.

Adding Dot Figures to Twenty Worksheets
Horizontal - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets will produce 10 horizontal addition problems using dot figures to represent the numbers up to twenty. The equations may be display under the dot figures if you select that option. You may select the numbers for the worksheets to be used from 0 to 20.

Adding Two Digit Numbers Ending in a Fixed Number Worksheets
Horizontal Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets produces great worksheets that add two digit numbers together that end in a fixed number. The addends may be selected to be positive, negative or mixed numbers. You may select up to 30 addition problems per worksheet.

1 or 2 Digit Addition Worksheets
Horizontal Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for either 1 or 2 digit horizontal addition problems with 2 addends. The addends for the worksheets may be selected to be either positive, negative or mixed numbers.

1 or 2 Digit Addition Worksheets
Horizontal Format - 3 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for either 1 or 2 digit horizontal addition problems with 3 addends. The addends for the worksheets may be selected to be either positive, negative or mixed numbers.

1 or 2 Digit Addition Worksheets
Horizontal Format - 4 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for either 1 or 2 digit horizontal addition problems with 4 addends. The addends for the worksheets may be selected to be either positive, negative or mixed numbers.

Adding Doubles Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for adding doubles, double + 1, and double + 2 addition number sets in a vertical format. The addends for the worksheets may be selected from a number range of 0 to 20.

Adding Doubles Addition Worksheets
Horizontal Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for adding doubles, double + 1, and double + 2 addition number sets in a horizontal format. The addends for the worksheets may be selected from a number range of 0 to 20.

2, 3, or 4 Digits Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2, 3, or 4 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for 2, 3, or 4 digits as well as 2, 3, or 4 addends addition problems. You may select between 12 and 30 problems for these worksheets.

5, 6, or 7 Digits Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2, 3, or 4 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for 5, 6, and 7 digits as well as 2, 3, and 4 addends addition problems. You may select between 12 and 20 problems for these worksheets.

Up to 4 Digits No Regrouping Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format

These addition worksheets are great for problems that do not require regrouping. The problems may be configured with up to 4 digits and 2 addends. The no regrouping option may be switched off if some regrouping is desired. The problem format is vertical and you may select up to 30 addition problems per worksheet. The no regrouping option may be switched off for these worksheets if some regrouping is desired.

Adding Money Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2, 3, or 4 Addends

These money addition worksheets may be configured for up to 4 digits as well as 2, 3, and 4 addends. The currency symbol may be selected from Dollar, Pound, Euro, and Yen for these worksheets.

Adding Money Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 or 3 Addends

These money addition worksheets may be configured for no regrouping, for up to 4 digits as well as 2 or 3 addends. The currency symbol may be selected from Dollar, Pound, Euro, and Yen for these worksheets.

Adding US Coins Addition Worksheets
These addition worksheets are great for teaching children to add up coins. Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, & Pennies may be selected for each problem. You may select between 3 and 7 for the maximum number of coins used on the worksheets.

Addition Drills Worksheets
Vertical Format

1, 3, or 5 minute drill addition worksheets contain all of the single digit addition problems on one page. A student who has memorized all of the single digit addition problems should be able to work out these worksheets in the allowed time.

Advanced Addition Drills Worksheets
Vertical Format

This worksheet will generate advanced addition drills as selected by the user. The user may select from 256 different addition problems from addition tables ranging from 0 to 15. The user may also select a 1 minute drill of 20, a 3 minute drill of 60 problems, a 5 minute drill of 100 problems, or a custom drill with ranges from 20 to 100 problems and times of 1 to 5 minutes.

Missing Addend Addition Worksheets
Horizontal Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets are a great introduction for algebra concepts. You may select various types of characters to replace the missing addends. The format on these worksheets are horizontal and the numbers used may be selected from the range of 0 to 99.

Missing Addend Different Formats
Horizontal Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets are a great introduction for building missing addend problems. You may select various forms for the addition problems and the range of numbers to use. The formats of the problems are horizontal and you may select 12, 16, 20, 24 or 30 addition problems per worksheet.

Missing Addend Multiples of Ten
Horizontal Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets are a great for building missing addend problems that add up to multiples of ten. You may select various forms for the addition problems and the range of numbers to use. The formats of the problems are horizontal and you may select 12, 16, 20, or 24 addition problems per worksheet.

Missing Digits Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 Addends

These multiple digit addition worksheets are configured for 2 addends in a vertical problem format. The missing digits on these addition worksheets are randomly selected to challenge the children in solving the addition problems. The number of digits on these worksheets may be varied between 2 and 4.

Adding Irregular Units Addition Worksheets
These addition worksheets are great for teaching children to add irregular units of measurement. The addition problem may be selected to include Feet & Inches, Pounds & Ounces, Hours & Minutes, and Minutes & Seconds for these addition worksheets. These worksheets will produce 15 problems per worksheet.

Adding Feet & Inches Worksheets
These addition worksheets are great for practicing adding together two measurements of feet with fractional inches. These worksheets will use 1/2's, 1/4's, 1/8's. 1/16's and there is an option to select 1/32's and 1/64's.

Decimal Numbers Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2, 3, or 4 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for 1, 2, or 3 digits on the right of the decimal and up to 4 digits on the left of the decimal as well as 2, 3, and 4 addends addition problems for these worksheets.

Adding with Place Values Worksheets
These addition worksheets will produce problems to practice addition with numbers of differing place values. Each problem will have 3 separate equations: Adding 2 single digit numbers, adding a single digit and double digit number, and adding 2 double digit numbers. You may select the addends and number of problems per worksheet.

Visual Addition
Addition Worksheets

These addition worksheets may be configured for visual addition problems with geometric shapes. These addition worksheets may be configured for their color scheme as well as their problem layout and difficulty.

2, 3, or 4 Addends
Vertical Format - 1, 2, 3, or 4 Digits

These addition worksheets may be configured for different combinations of 2, 3, or 4 Addends with 1, 2, 3, or 4 digits. You may select up to 30 addition problems per worksheet.

2, 3, 4, or 5 Addends
Vertical Format - 1, 2, 3, or 4 Digits

These addition worksheets may be configured for different combinations of 2, 3, 4, or 5 Addends with 1, 2, 3, or 4 digits. You may select up to 30 addition problems per worksheet.

2, 3, or 4 Addends
Vertical Format - 5, 6, or 7 Digits

These addition worksheets may be configured for different combinations of 2, 3, or 4 Addends with 5, 6, or 7 digits. You may select up to 30 addition problems per worksheet.

Adding Doubles with Dots Addition Worksheets
Vertical Format - 2 Addends

These addition worksheets may be configured for adding doubles, double + 1, and double + 2 addition number sets in a vertical format. The problems are represented with dots to the right of each number. The addends for the worksheets may be selected from a number range of 0 to 20.

Adding with Regrouping Worksheets
Vertical Format

These addition worksheets may be configured for 2, 3, or 4 addends and allows for the selection of which columns require regrouping. You may select up to 20 addition problems per worksheet.

3 or 4 Digits - Horizontal Addition Worksheets
This addition worksheet may be configured for either 3 or 4 digit horizontal addition problems with 2 addends. The addends may be selected to be positive, negative or mixed numbers.