This High Frequency Word Game is a Concentration match game that uses high frequency words instead of pictures. You can create up to a maximum of 98 double word sets from 56 preselected and 42 user entered words. You can do any combination of selecting for the list and/or entering your own words. Make sure you create enough words to support the grid size for the game. This kindergarten word game may be a 4 by 4 grid, or any grid size you wish to use. You will shuffle the cards and then deal them in a 4 by 4 grid. The children will take turns turning over the cards to find the matches. You may require the child to read back the matched words to keep them. You will need 16 words for a 4 by 4 grid and 20 words for a 4 by 5 grid.
Tip: Print these out on heavier paper or laminate them for longer use.