Money Worksheets

Custom Counting Canadian Coins

This Money Worksheet will give you the options to select the exact combination of different coins that will be used for each problem.

Depending on coin selection you can generate up to 9 problems, if you exceed 10 total coins per problem there will not be room for 9 problems, but you have the control to design the exact problems you need.

This money worksheet is appropriate for Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade. You may add a memo line that will appear on the worksheet for additional instructions. Finally the worksheet's answer page will be created if you leave this checked.

Include the Number of Canadian Coins You Wish to Use for Each Problem

Problem Pennies Nickels Dimes Quarters Halves

Language for the Money Worksheet

English German Albanian
Spanish Swedish Italian
French Turkish Polish

Memo Line for the Money Worksheet

You may enter a message or special instruction that will appear on the bottom left corner of the Money Worksheet.

Money Worksheet Answer Page

Now you are ready to create your Money Worksheet by pressing the Create Button.


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