Greater Than Less Than Worksheets

Comparing Mixed Problems Worksheets

This Greater Than Less Than Worksheet is great for testing students in their comparison of mixed problems.

The students must add or subtract two numbers on each side of the comparison to determine if the two groups of expression are greater than, less than or equal. You may select if the problems have addition only, subtraction only, or mixed addition and subtraction in the problems. You may select three different ranges of numbers to use in the problems.

Select the Range of Numbers to Use in the Problems

Numbers up to 25
Numbers up to 100
Numbers up to 1000

Problems Contain

Addition Only on Both Sides of the Comparison
Subtraction Only on Both Sides of the Comparison
Addition and Subtraction Used Together
All Types of Problems Used

Language for the Greater Than Less Than Worksheet

English German Albanian
Spanish Swedish Italian
French Turkish Polish

Memo Line for the Greater Than Less Than Worksheet

You may enter a message or special instruction that will appear on the bottom left corner of the Greater Than Less Than Worksheet.

Greater Than Less Than Worksheet Answer Page

Now you are ready to create your Greater Than Less Than Worksheet by pressing the Create Button.


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